Parallel Universe

A collection of my daily thoughts... most of the time.


Cool Points
Alright people.... For all of you that have yet to get involved with the cool points, you are definitely missing out.... yea...

I was thinking about copying Matt's Site and do those acronym(sp) things1... but I dunno. I might... I was thinking about doing it the opposite of what he did and make mine completely about me as opposed to his which are nothing about him. That would make it interesting. I will think about it.

Ok here are some chances to get some cool points.

Answer the questions correctly....each is worth .5 cool points. I will do what Matt does and strike through questions when they are answered correctly- its easy to see that way. If anyone asks any family member of mine the answers to these questions, you will lose soooooo many cool points that you won't ever have a chance to catch up.

  1. How many pets have I had in my entire life?
  2. What should I be doing right now?
  3. How many different instruments do I play?
  4. What is my shoe size?
  5. What color is my desk?
  6. I have a bumper sticker on my wall that says "Save a cow,________" -fill in the blank
  7. What is my favorite kind of party?
  8. Describe the shirt that I most often wear.
  9. What is the next instrument that I am going to learn how to play?
  10. Name all the people that I sit with at lunch.

Alright so those are the questions. Answer them in the comments with the number of the question next to your answer.

1 For example, P. is a B. = Paul is a beast



The spring trip for chorus this year is to Atlanta, Georgia. At first I thought that Atlanta wouldn't be a very good trip at all. I didn't really know too much about the city and what we would do for fun when we aren't singing. Well it turns out that Mrs. Tyree is in the process of getting us to sing the national anthem at an Atlanta Braves game while we are down there. We are also getting tickets to see Jesus Christ Superstar1. So it looks like it will be a better trip than I was expecting.
I actually might be going to Atlanta two times before next school year. I have been planning on taking Mu Alpha Theta2 to the National Math Convention this coming year. It so happens that the convention is taking place in Atlanta for this year. Hopefully I will get enough interest from new members of Mu to be able to take the group. We shall see...

1 I have no idea where in Atlanta we will be able to see it.
2 Mu Alpha Theta- the math national honors society at hermitage.



Tomorrow is a half day. Excellent. Haha you "think you're so smart" governor's school people. Take that.



I have devised a list of various phobias that have come to my mind over the years1. There might actually be real names for these, but I think mine will be much better lol. Here they are:

burnacularphobia - fear of candles
(from paul root of burn)
animaphobia - fear of cartoons
(from paul root of animate)
ideaphobia - fear of lightbulbs
(from paul root of idea)
splooshphobia - fear of imaginary water
(from paul root of splooshie splooshie)
patphobia - fear of pat-a-cake
(from paul root of pat)
webphobia - fear of webster's dictionary
(from paul root of webster)
sleenphobia - fear of sleen2
(from paul root of sleen)
beastphobia - fear of Paul
(from paul root of beast)
dingalingphobia - fear of the OLL bell choir
(from paul root of ding)
prinsianaphobia - fear of Matt
(from matt root of prins)

If you would like to see more, then just keep checking back here. Every so often I will post ten new phobias

1 years= past 20 min.

2 sleen is a beastly quality found in females. Everyone would know that if they had gone to see my first performance at CSZ. We were playing da do rap rap and the word was dean... sleen should have been good enough. After I said sleen, the ref asked me what the def. of this "sleen" is and I told him what the definition of sleen is, but no of course he won't believe me.

Shoot I missed it

As you all know... yesterday was Friday the 13th... SPOOKY!.. anyways.. I just forgot to mention it in a post and stuff. I'm not a triskaidekaphobic, so its all good. Anyways... man I wrote this huge long post earlier today.. when I tried to post it, it wouldn't post and it erased it, so I got really mad and left my room. I haven't decided if I should write it over again or not. I will take a vote.. Vote under the comments whether or not you would like to see this "long post." I remind you that longer doesn't necessarily mean better. Peace

star wars club vs. star trek club

Last night at CSZ the troupe was playing a game and the suggestion was a scene about the stars wars club vs. the star trek club. It was very funny.



math is cool... (inside joke more to come) some people wonder why I like math. why I don't mind doing hours and hours of math homework. why I solve other people's math homework in my head just for fun. Well here is why.... haha. did you think there is an actual reason for my madness? Why not enjoy something that you are good at?
Ok back to the whole reason that I am writing this entry...
The other day at CSZ practice, we were playing this game called two lines1 and it was my turn to go and i was initiating, so I went up to my partner and said "Hey! Dude I just found out this really cool thing- a2+b2=c2." So thats how I got the whole "a2+b2=c2" thing for the title.

1 Explanation of two lines: two lines is a game we play where two people walk up on the stage and one person initiates by saying something or giving an offer. For example, I said that whole "a2+b2=c2 bit." The other person then has to accept that offer and then heighten the situation somehow2. That's basically the game of two lines.

2 An example of adding to the offer that I said might be "Oh that's wonderful. I found out the other day that there is a museum in New York that has a display on the different uses of a2+b2=c2. 3"

3 Did anyone notice that I made a one of these within one of these? If you didn't notice that, then you should really pay attention to what you are reading a lot more. You should do a literary analysis if necessary to help you better understand my entries4.

4 This one is just to piss Von off.


School is such a demanding part of my life now. I apologize for the lack of journal entries for the past week. I know that some people really depend on my entries to get them through the day ::cough cough::Matthew::cough cough::... so i will try harder to keep them coming. Homework demands about 1/5 of my day. The other 3/5ths of my day is spent at school- not necessarily doing work, but I am at school. The other 1/5 is my sleep time, which varies quite often depending on how much over 1/5 of the day is spent on homework. Now somewhere in all this school stuff I fit in my extracurricular activities.

Acitivities Schedule:
Monday:OLL choir practice
Tues: Comedy Sportz (CSZ) practice
Weds: Nothing!!!!!
Thurs:OLL bell choir practice
Friday: work @ CSZ
Sat: work @CSZ -or- swing dancing
Sunday:church & confirmation class


Chris Rock

I have a friend here at school that has the same name as a comedian that might be familiar to you. He is actually quite intelligent, which is not inferred by speaking directly with him nor inferred by looking at him. He would have one of the highest grade point averages in our school if he would only do his homework. It is ironic that he always scores better than me on all standardized tests given here at school. You are a beast chris! 1

1 Chris has been sitting here next to me while typing this entire entry (implying that I am not so mean as to actually type about my friends like that).

Friday at the Herm

I am here in homeroom with two of my friends. Chris Rock (more to come on him) and Stephanie Saavedra are giving me ideas of things to write in this entry. We have all concluded that Blackburn's1 mustache makes him look like Hitler. It is quite humorous how he likes to play with it while standing in the hallways watching his school pass by. This is an example of the kinds of things we like to discuss during the ever so boring periods of homeroom.

1 Blackburn is Hermitage High School's principal.



Its amazing how the number of hits that I have had on parallel universe since I started it up1 is 127 even though i account for a lot of those hits2! Thanks everyone for making this happen. Keep those hits comin!

1 I started parallel universe on August 17, 2002.
2 I make up about 20-30% of the hits to parallel universe.


I am teaching myself to play the Eb tuba for a show that Our Lady of Lourdes is putting on in October (called ocTUBAfest). It should be pretty... interesting... for us "guys" that are apparently going to be dressed up in this "liederhosen." All of us white american catholic school boys have to learn some german dancing routines for this show (this includes the wedding reception favorite, the chicken dance1). I encourage anyone that knows2 me to make an appearance at this festivity. It should be very fun and very... entertaining. I promise. I will have stuff on parallel universe closer to the date of the show with more details3 about the show.

1 If enough people respond to this entry by coming to the show, then i will dress up in Kay's chicken costume during the entire chicken dance routine.

2 loves

3 Information, such as date, time, cost, food served, dress, and what you all are looking for, its beastly rating.



I apologize for not posting anything the last few days. I have been rather... thoughtless? So I hope all of you (excluding matthew because I know he has been living in agony the past two nights wondering "when, oh when will paul ever post his next thought?") forgive me.