Parallel Universe

A collection of my daily thoughts... most of the time.


| Repeat that one more time...|

It's interesting how so many things seem to repeat themselves.

Music, in all of its beauty, is nothing but repeated phrases, rythms, melodies. We wouldn't appreciate music if it were not in some form repetitious. The sound wouldn't be music to our ears without us being able to somehow organize and recognize it. This is not to be confused with recognizing as in "heard before," but rather a recognition of patterns. The patterns are what make it music.

History, no matter how much we try to stop it, inevitably repeats itself. As much as we try to prevent it, this is true. Every generation has its conflicts. These battles all seem so new and distinct to each generation. In reality, the roots are strikingly similar. Our current strifes still involve the imaginary lines man has drawn and re-drawn across the globe. Arrogant religious ideologies fill minds with a shocking and self-contradicting hatred for others. These and so many others form the core of so many conflicts we see in today's society.

Giving follows this pattern. For those that have seen "Pay it Forward," you already have an idea of what I mean. Under the right conditions, a pattern can emerge. Giving anything will certainly make an impact - hopefully to spark more giving. This flows along and grows exponentially as the network of givers rapidly increases. The thought of the receiver may be to repeat the kindness shown to him/her. Surely it is a wonderful and welcome feeling to be thought of, to be considered. Why not be considerate of someone else to bring that joy to his/her life? Of course, this is ideal. Unfortunately, few unconditionally think this way.

Just to name a few. What else can you think of?

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