Parallel Universe

A collection of my daily thoughts... most of the time.



I had a somewhat productive day today (mainly because I went to the YMCA twice, so I feel all good because of the "having-self-confidence-from-just-exercising" phenomenon). I got up early (8:00am) and went straight to the Y. I came home, showered, and then went to tutor that calculus. After calculus, I went to lunch with devon, and then she came over and showed me her Russia pictures. After that, I made another trip to the YMCA with Jillian and her brother Matthew. I burned a total of 1,103 calories today- man I feel good. I only lifted like 6,360 lbs though, so tomorrow I am gonna have to step up to match the weight with the calories.



Happy 13 month anniversary jillian.


Not much

Nothing really is going on now that swim team and vacation and everything are all over. I have spent some time on the new site, but I haven't really been anywhere or done anything worth really mentioning. I did see Bourne Supremacy the other night with jillian. I thought it was a pretty good action movie if thats what you are in the mood for seeing and stuff, but jill hated it. I don't know if that means it was a good movie or not.

I think I am gonna start up the cool points again. Anyone object?



I am coming really close to finishing the new website makeover. Yes, the old site will shortly become obsolete and the new site will take over. However, I have run into some unexpected difficulties, so hopefully I can work through them and have the site up by this weekend. The new site will be here:

You can try clicking on that link, but I haven't put anything there yet, so it wouldn't do ya any good.


So I am glad to see that I have two people reading my site now. Thank you Jill and Tonya. Tonya... how the heck did you find my site? Did I give it to you or something and I just forgot? hmm... Anywho... glad to see your comment.