Parallel Universe

A collection of my daily thoughts... most of the time.



good grief... alright the redskins just arent a football team anymore. I can't believe they lost yesterday against the cowboys. They were winning!!!... ugh. Oh well.. so much for thinking that they might actually win another game lol. They look worse than hermitage did 3 years ago1.

1 hmm... maybe not. Hermitage 3 years ago really was worse than the redskins are now. Don't ask me how.


Wow... you people really suck/dont care with these questions

Here are some hints:

1.) This is a disney character

2.) This is a two player game

5.) My age divided by two minus two

6.) Its a part of his drumset

7.) The shipping costs: (the log of the tangent of pi divided by 4) + (the second double digit prime number times three) dollars


Oh my questions?

one half of a cool point for each question you get right. I will strike through questions when they are answered correctly.

1. There is a picture of an animated character that is hanging in our computer room. The character is waving to me. Name the character. (Hint: its a character that has been developed within the past 300 years)

2. Name my favorite board game and why its my favorite board game.

3. What school supply did I leave at home the other day that would extremely hinder my progress in a couple of my classes.

4. How many times does my phone ring before the answering machine picks up?

5. How many chess boards are in this room?

6. What does my younger brother hand out to some people after our band concerts?

7. How much did the shipping cost to get my bass and bass amp?

8. What sound does my favorite animal make?

Monkey dish

When I started working in the kitchen at CSZ, everyone kept calling these little dishes "monkey dishes." I was like what the heck man cause its just a stupid like mini dish and it looks nothing like a monkey, but its still called a monkey dish somehow. Anyone know why?



I finally got my own bass guitar and bass amp the other day. I spent about 400 bucks altogether, but I think it was definitely worth it. I bought the stuff off of and it came like 4 days later. So when I got home, there were like these two HUGE1 boxes in the living room. Its great...

1 I'm talking like monster size.



Chris Rock says hi. Darren Sharper had an interception in yesterday's game (Packers vs. Dolphins) and he ran the ball back down to score a touch down. Sharper is an alumnus of Hermitage High School and an alumnus of the College of William and Mary. Chris thinks that this is important2...

1 I don't know what this site actually is- chris rock just said to put it as the title (so in other words, if you go there and its something bad, don't blame me- you are the idiot who went there)
2 He is a die hard Packers fan.

No Day

No school sure is great. I really appreciate the days that we have off now because of the amount of work I have to do. I spent all day yesterday writing my research paper on the "Irish Conflict." It feels great to have it done though.... but see... without that day off, I don't think that I could have possibly finished the paper.


Pooch in tights

I must say that Pooch's musical on Saturday night was quite amusing. He was a gangster that went on stage right in the middle of a play and... had to wear tights with the top of his suit. It was hilarious1. Too bad none of you could see it... Perhaps he will have some pictures in the future that I can post on my web site.

1 actually it wasn't hilarious, it was more of a shocking laugh than anything.

I Think I Can...

From now on I will try my hardest to keep posting stuff so you people start coming back to my site. lol.. you all just stopped coming, so I decided thats its about time to starting posting on a regular basis again. I will try...