Parallel Universe

A collection of my daily thoughts... most of the time.


I can't believe it...

I can't believe it...

One more week of real school... I mean... after this week of hell, AP exams and crap happen... but whats after that? I can't believe it. I think this is my last week of real work in high school... the last one. amazing..


I decided that I am gonna do a complete renovation of my site once AP exams are over. After AP exams I hope to change it completely cause its all out-dated and such. So keep a look out for that.



Susan and I are speaking together at Hermitage's Baccalaureate on June 6th at St. Michaels. Any cool suggestions on something for us to talk about? Anywho...It should be beast, so come.


I had a very unusual nightmare last night. It was unusual in several ways:

1) I seldom remember my dreams
2.) If I am lucky to remember the dream, its usually not a nightmare
3.) If I remember the dream, its gone by the time I get out of the shower- cant remember a THING about it.

So there.. I dont do dreams well... but last night I had this dream... I had a dream that my best friend, Paul Puccinelli (pooch), died. He just randomly died. In the dream I got this phone call while my family was watching the news one night and the next thing I knew was that I was crying and screaming like crazy just so upset that my best friend died. I think he got in a car wreck or something. So the whole rest of the dream deals with me living with the angst of knowing that he is dead. Pooch is the other half of me. I mean we even have this theory that I wont go into now.. so this dream was just traumatizing while I was asleep. I finally wake up and after a few min., I realized that he wasnt dead and suddenly I was just relieved and felt a lot better. It was crazy...


The spring concert for chorus is BeatleMania this year! Everyone must come because its gonna be a beast. The concert is at 7:00 on May 17th. Be there.

Oh and plus 3 cool points for ms. tyree for picking a Beatles concert for our senior year concert. absolute beast1.

1. I suppose I am the only person that really cares...everyone else in chorus is like



I really wish that I had the time to practice the cello more. Instead, I sit here bitching about not having the time, but its not like a guitar where I can practice it at 10:40 in the evening. It doesn't work like that. I had a lesson Sunday and of course I hadn't practiced, so instead of spending time working on the stuff that I was supposed to practice, I insisted on playing some old school vivaldi that we had done ages ago... yea... I really need to practice. I swear that I used to be able to play that...

lets see...

not too much has happened the past few days, so I have neglected this poor blog.. sorry guys. lets see... Jill and I went to Belle Isle on sat.. I haven't been there in a really long time. Dad used to take us when Peter and I were little kiddies and we would go play on the rocks and get all wet in the James River. I remember climbing through all the trails and stuff and my dad would walk around to meet us on the other side because he couldn't climb through them. Now I look at those trails and don't want to get near them haha. I swear I almost died sat trying to go down the STEEPEST cliff there... but jill insisted and she goes flying down it while I casually take my time. I was just enjoying the view and the wonderful weather of the day... I wasn't scared1. It was fun

1. I am terribly afraid of heights...


mmmmm... cool points

Here is what you do... I will ask question... you answer question through the comments system alright? Each question is worth 1 cool point unless otherwise stated or unless I decide that your answer is worth more or less than that. I will strike out questions once they have been answered correctly. Just put the question number, then the answer in your comment (of course you can answer more than one)... you get it.

1.) I just finished a very delicious midnight snack... mmm... So what exactly did I eat?

2) I ate a very awkward dinner the other day... who made this dinner so awkward and what was the occasion?

3.) Quick: Beta Convention speech= what key word!

4.) What is the lowest note on a cello?

5.) How do you say "parakeet" in spanish?

6.) Name a word with only one syllable that I would need a dictionary to define (I'm sure there are plenty of them)

7.) What is significant about x2-x-1 ?

8.) WOAH on the second saturday of every month, the dance space has swing dancing, but its not the traditional "east coast swing." What is the name of the swing taught on the second saturdays?

9.) How many years have I swam for Lakeside Swim Team?

10.) f(x)=x What is the derivative with respect to x of the integral of f(x) with endpoints of 0 to x. (a lot simpler than it looks guys)

BONUS: "I am depleted -- a vacant soul -- from my recent fortnight sojourn scrutinizing the escapades of two wayward plumbers; it no doubt has been an engaging and spirited occasion, and I am jovial that my sibling has not the aptitude to prevail o'er me. I, dear ones, am a ogre. " <-- what is this?

beast of the week/month/...whatever

I am proud to say that I have a nomination for beast of the [enter time here]! Thank you susan for being the first person to nominate someone in something like 2 years... very excellent. (still open for nominations; dont want susan to win?- nomination someone else for BEAST OF THE WEEK/MONTH/... yea you get the point)


mmmm... cool points

Ten cool points to anyone besides jill that reads this and leaves a comment. C'mon thats easy guys...


survey time

1. What, at this very moment would you like to have next to you? the key to the person's house that i am supposed to "sit" this weekend. I think they left town without giving me the stupid key... ugh.

2. What, at this very moment do you have an intense craving to eat? nothing... I am pretty full of nilla wafers.. mmm

3. Whats the last TV show you watched? nightly news with tom brokaw last night

4, What's your favorite restaraunt? chilis

5. What do you absolutely love? swimming, disc golf, dancing, music, your mom, jillian-in small doses :-).. pasta, starbucks, etc...

6. What do you absolutely hate? nothing really...

7. What turns you on? your mom....mmm

8. What's your favorite lunch? subs. pasta. chicken noodle soup... whatever moves...

9. Philosophy? yea i love that song

10. Favorite breakfast? all of the good sugar cereals... lucky charms, trix, cocoa pebbles, cocoa puffs.. whatever

11. Favorite cartoon? simpsons

12. Favorite playground equipment? umm.. monkey bars

13. Favorite jewelry to wear? watch

14. Favorite inside joke? narc

15. Favorite Disney Movie? woah... way too many...umm... beauty and the beast, mermaid, lion king, aladdin

16. Have you ever won a contest? yep

17. Would you rather be deaf or blind? deaf

18. What is your best quality? umm...

19. What is your worst quality? my stubborness

20. Do you like to dance? yes

21. If you had a round trip ride in a Time Machine, when and where would you go? I dunno- i would have to give this one more thought

22. If you could be invisible for one day what would you do? walk into random houses and see how other people live.

23. If you could change your name what would it be? i like my name

24. Have you ever thought you were going to die? god yes... how about yesterday at kingsdominion on drop zone!... sheesh..

25. One thing you hope to do before you die? get a college degree

26. What do you think about lesbians? whatever

27. If you could smack one famous person in the head who would it be? all of them minus robin williams

28. What is your deepest darkest secret? wouldnt you like to know

29. Who understands you more than anyone? no one

30. What's a smell you can?t stand? sour milk

31. What tangible thing do you *NEED* next in your life? money

32. What was the worst thing you ever saw? i dunno... there are lots of bad things..

33. Least favorite relative? umm...probably my cousin who is a college dropout and really is having trouble getting his life started. He once locked his younger brother and me in the shed at my house when we were really young and we cried our eyes out thinking that we were gonna be there forever and all... we must have been in there for an hour and a half before anyone found us :-(


Boston - day 3 - free time

All of the chorus was given about 6 hours of free time after the duck tours. I told anyone that wanted to go around with me that I was going to go to the science museum no matter what... haha so we went. It was awesome. I had a great time in that mathematics center and everything. I could have stayed in there all day, but my group was getting a little anxious (especially barbie) and they kept asking when we were gonna leave and stuff, so we moved on. We went to a bunch of different exhibits. I had a great time, but I still dont know whether my group really enjoyed it or not. I also dont know if my group feels that it was all worth 13 bucks cause they were really complaining about that when we went in.

After the science museum, we went to some thrift store place near MIT and hung out a bit. Then we ate lunch and hung out in the gift shop a bit. Oh I forgot to mention that I bought a cool Einstein mouse pad in the science museum. I also bought a MIT t-shirt in the gift shop. Then we went to Harvard for like 10 min and headed back to meet the big group. It was fun.--keep in mind that all of that happened over a span of like 6 hours, so it was long.

Boston - day 3 - Duck Tour

Wow... this was about a thousand times better than I expected. In Boston (and several other cities) they have a "duck tour" that you can take. It is a little tour bus type thing that takes you around the city and then all of a sudden you find yourself approaching the river, ocean, stream, lake, whatever and BAM you start floating and it is now a boat. The boat takes continues the tour through the water and then makes its way back up on land. Hence the reason for calling it a duck tour. These machines are really cool and they are really old believe or not. They were actually used in D-day during WWII to attack the beaches. Anyways it was a ton of fun because I convinced my group to sit in the back of the bus where you are sitting outside, exposed to the elements. Everyone else sat inside the bus where you were protected from wind, water and everything. But not us. haha it is so cold in boston that they provided blankets for those brave souls (us) that attempted to sit in the back. Our tour guide is what really made the tour a lot of fun i think. She was really sarcastic and just really funny with telling the stories of Boston and everything. Everyone was supposed to quack at other people and other buses going by because we were the duck tour. It was a lot fun... well at least I had a lot of fun with this part. For example, we went by the ritz hotel (the most expensive hotel in boston) and she told us that this was a no quacking zone. She said that the duck tours used to go by there and quack and everything, but the ritz hotel started complaining. She said that it was the best though because they were the ritz-quackers.. haha. Well, I thought it was funny. This tour turned out to be a lot of fun. It was nice.


Boston - day 2 - dinner

We ate at some weird Italian place that night.. the food was alright and everything, but it was mad crazy because all of the chorus was in this tight little room and they served us buffet style... wow I was like you have got to be kidding me because I was fearing the mad rush to the tables by the hungry teenagers, but luckily they were smart and called us by table and everything, so it all worked out. I got a chicken parm there too haha... it was alright.

Boston- day 2- Quincy Market

Quincy Market is a fun tourist attraction in Boston and our group ventured over there after we finished at the aquarium. It has a ton of shops and a giant food strip. After the aquarium, we went mainly for the food and I got some good chicken parm and we all ate. After that we went shopping a little while and then returned to the bus. This market is cool cause some of the tables are tables that have no seats-they are the height of a person standing up and you have to stand there to eat your food- good for all those businessmen on the run. We didn't have to eat at one of those though, we found a good sit down table. They must have like over 30 different places to eat though in that one hallway. Its crazy.

Boston- day 2-aquarium

There are several things that I can probably go on and on about. I am gonna try to pick the main highlights of the trip to mention...

Friday morning all of us went to the Boston Aquarium... man was it awesome. I think I was one of the few people that was actually excited about going in the first place. I couldn't wait to see all the cool little fish and penguins and stuff.. man was it awesome. They had a whole like bottom floor just for penguins. The penguins were the coolest things ever. I named one- Ralph. Ralph was a beast- he came swimming over to me when I called him and he wiggled his little tail when I said his name. So then we walk up a ramp and there is this BIG ASS turtle that is floating by. My god... this thing was seriously at least 4 Paul Smiths put together. It was beast. Then we walked around and saw an anacanda, jellyfish, water floating upwards, sea stars, nemo, rays, and finally we went to the sea otters and sea lions. They were awesome. The sea lions would float there like buoys and bob like the world is a wonderful place. They also swam around upside down! man it was cool.. Then we went to a sea lion show and saw a special, big ASS sea lion do all these cool tricks. It was fun and it took me a while to realize that we were on a boat and that it wasnt just me getting sick and imagining that I was rocking back and forth... woo. I think my group1 was getting annoyed by my "4-year old" excitement towards the aquarium, but it was AWESOME!

1. chris rock, rachel triplett, barbie lancaster, rachel lohmann, christen marshall, maybe some other people?

Boston-day 2-the competition

I spent the past weekend up north in one of my favorite cities. I was in Boston because of our spring chorus trip. We didn't do too bad - keynotes: 1st, superior; chamber singers: 2nd, superior; barbershop: 1st, superior; men's chorus: 1st, excellent; concert choir: 1st?, excellent; show choir: 1st, excellent1. Of course several of the groups that I just listed were unopposed in competition, but there is no reason why one must mention that. Oh and I got an outstanding musician award for playing cello in one of the concert choir songs.. that was pretty cool. Barbershop also got the outstanding men's section award- whatever that means...It was a successful trip.

1. the groups are giving a placement and a national rating as well. The national ratings goes as follows: superior, excellent, good, participitory.

dear prudence...

I do believe that the Beatles are the best band ever


Totally beasted a -9 in disc golf at Dorey Park today. It was good...



Jewelry worn daily: a watch
Pillow cover: some white cover- nothing special
Blanket: a cool blue blanky that feels really good
Sunglasses: Some really good ones, but I misplaced them yesterday, so who knows if i still have them
Underwear: cheetah print boxers baby
Shoes: i am not wearing any
Handbag: i dont have one
Favorite top: the blue shirt- you know what I'm talking about
Cologne/Perfume: don't wear any
CD in stereo right now: soundgarden.
What you are wearing now: a shirt and some VT shorts.
Hair: ummm... I just woke up and came down here... so i don't know how to describe my hair
Makeup: none.

WHO or WHAT (was/is/are)
In my mouth: last night: your mom; now: nada
Wishing: for more time off even though our break just started.
After this: gonna maybe play some piano or call jill.
Eating: i just had some trix cereal
Person you wish you could see right now: jillian... awww
Some of your favorite movies: Life is Beautiful, A beautiful mind, any disney movie, monsters inc., etc. etc...
Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month: umm.... nothing really since spring break is here... just graduation getting closer i guess
Something that you are deathly afraid of: spiders... like really.. god i could kill to not see another spider in my life
Do you like candles: yea
Do you like incense: no, I think i had too much as an altar server in church when i was little
Do you like the taste of blood: what? umm.. no
What do you want done with your body when you die: cremation and then thrown over Lake Michigan
If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be: a penguin
What is the latest you've ever stayed up: well yesterday I hadn't slept in 46 hours.. so I guess thats close to the latest I have ever stayed awake.
Can you eat with chopsticks: God no... i am really just too impatient. d
What's your favorite coin: quarter
What are some of your favorite pig out foods: cookies, pretzels, pretty much whatever..
What's something that you wish people would understand: there is life beyond high school... the drama can stop without resulting in death...

Last kiss: last night lol really though
Last good cry: don't remember
Last movie seen: part of Hook last night
Last crush: jillian?
Last phone call: jillian
Last TV show watched: espn - red sox game
Last time showered: yesterday when I got back from Boston
Last shoes worn: sandals
Last CD played: soundgarden.
Last annoyance: waking up to my room being so dirty... i have to clean that junk man
Last disappointment: can't go see ben folds in concert april 30th :-(
Last website visited: devon's diary thingy


The last post was November 11? I am gonna start parallel universe back up fo' real this time guys. I don't even care if people read it or not-I am still gonna do it... woo...