Parallel Universe

A collection of my daily thoughts... most of the time.



new word: defenestrate v. To throw out of a window.

So as some of you might have noticed... I have not written since school started...yea... get used to it. Now I spend my days waking up so early that my eyes hurt, but somehow manage to make it out of bed and drive down to Freeman High. Now being at a school at 7:30 was a common thing for me, but being at school to do calculus at 7:30 is a little different. I now spend my days listening to the ramblings of a very short, egotistical man lecture about the biggest bull shit in the world1. So I am sorry that I lack the time to write. I will try hard to keep with it.

1. Psychology


Labor Day

new word: guava n. A tree or shrub of the myrtle family bearing small, pear-shaped, edible, yellow-skinned fruit.

Amber made me realize that it is sort of a paradox that today is called Labor Day, yet everyone getting ready for school is working his or her ass off. Summer work is just now starting for some people ::cough cough:: Barbie ::cough cough:: I'm not saying procrastination is bad, I still have lots of work that I'm not going to do. We shall see how it all flies with the teachers tomorrow.


new word: grig n. A lively small or young person.

I finally broke down and got a subprofile for my aim screen name. Take a look sometime. I suppose I will enjoy yet another thing to have to update somewhat frequently... it just adds so much to my life...


You know what... I really feel the urge to expand my vocabulary a little bit. From now on, I am going to look up a random word (one that I don't know the meaning of) and put that definition on here with my posts. However, the point of this is for me to actually memorize them though, so plus 10 cool points automatically if anyone asks me at any given point in time what the definition of one of the words that i have posted is and I can't say it. Is that easy enough to understand? ...good