Parallel Universe

A collection of my daily thoughts... most of the time.



This is the first time that I, PAUL SMITH, have updated my blog since the beginning of school. Someone else1 decided to update this thing for me, which really pisses me off. Oh well. There will be none of that from now on.

In any case...

I'm not in a very good mood right now, so I am just gonna stop here...

woo... homecoming dance is tonight...woo

1 Minus 80 cool points for both jillian and amber because I can't tell which one of you updated it (you are lucky im taking it out on amber too jill)


what the heck!!

new word: gutate adj. Shaped like a drop.

The Red Sox lost! What the heck? Those damn Yankees. They never deserved to win. It's the Marlins now, baby. Anybody but the Yankees, they don't deserve to win, they're so fake. Mr. Tyson- which in case anyone hasn't heard, is Hermitage's new principal- came to our table today and said that the only game that the Yankees have lost against the Red Sox in a postseason game was pitched by a guy who was first traded from the Yankees to the Red Sox, and then whose name, spelled backwards, was B. Ruth Curse. It might have been a stretch- the name Esruc hturB doesn't really sound authentic, but think if that were true. Man. Whoa.


I mean!

new word: grommet n. A ring of rope.

Wow. I really haven't updated in a long time, guys. Sorry about that. Like I said, school is taking up all of my time, but blah blah blah. Plus I have this huge chemistry SAT2 coming up and I really have no idea what I'm doing. What the freaking heck?? Well, I should go back to that. Peace dawgs