Parallel Universe

A collection of my daily thoughts... most of the time.



Unlike the other 1995 students1 in this school, I did not sleep in this morning. Well... ok so I slept an extra hour, but I still woke up to do homework that I neglected to do last night. I am here at school about an hour and a half before the bell rings... as usual. I am kinda bored I guess, so I decided to post this. Not much of a post, but at least its something. Henrico had a 2 hour delay for some strange reason this morning. I thought the roads were fine when I woke up... oh well.. I'm not complaining.... I think I will use this time to start the new format of the beast page... haha....

1 assuming that there are exactly 2000 students at Hermitage High School.


Disk golf and Pooch

Pooch1 and I decided to go to Dorey Park the other day to play disk golf since it has been so long since we have had a game.... so I mistakenly took 295 to 64 East and began looking for the exit for Laburnam... well it turns out that by taking 295, we had passed the exit and were just going east with no hope of making it to Dorey Park. We decided that if we got 20 miles outside of williamsburg, then we would turn back around and go home.... well... we ended up turning back at 20 miles outside williamsburg. A good waste of about 2 hours of our day. Oh well...

1 for those of you who don't know... Pooch= Paul Puccinelli ...


My family was making fun of me the other day for the pajama pants that I wear. My dog, Zora (the beast) Smith, apparently got to these particular pants one night. I found them on the floor the next day with two gigantic holes in both sides of these pants. One of the holes is like on the right thigh and the other hole is cough::in the rear::cough... so yea. I was wearing those around the house cause I figured that they were still sufficient at doing their job. My family was laughing at me for it....



Take that Jonathon and Matt... I do write in here often now.. you were both surprised to find out how much i have written. Ha.. take that.. Its a new semester, so I think things could change around here. I may end up writing more than Matthew in this thing1. Fun stuff...

1 Yea right.


I guess I am done posting for today.


I started going to the YMCA again in order to get in shape for the coming swim season1... so I bought a new lock for the lockers there since I like couldn't find my old one... anyways... so I bought it and went straight to the YMCA to use it and I needed a way to remember the combination.. so I was like "hmmm... I will just put the sticker on the bottom of my shoe!... that way if I forget it, I can just turn my foot over!.. genuis!..." ... so I go and do my work out and come back... and try my luck on the combination from memory, but it didn't I was like "hmm..." so I flip my shoe over and.... the sticker is like completely torn apart... illegible..
So I was like oh great... now what am I gonna do.... so I try the combination again from my memory and it worked that time. I guess I apparently just messed it up the first time. Now I have the remnants of the sticker on my shoe. Looks kinda gross actually...

1 I wouldn't normally, but I need to now because I'm not doing any winter swimming like I am usually accustomed to before the summer in order to be ready for the swim season.


By the way... apparently I need a very, very green costume for the musical this year. I need to be all greenish for the Emerald City scene... so.... if you happen to have any type of clothing (that would reasonably fit me) that is very green, or green at all... could you possibly donate it to the "help paul make an oz costume fund"? Donations will be very appreciated and all donations will be returned in their entirety. Donations may include anything that could possibly work on stage. Don't limit yourself to pants and shirts.. random clothing accessories are very much needed as well. Think creatively in order for me to look creative... lol... thanks.


So I got my hair cut the other day in order to start spiking my hair again. See... its really a pain in the butt to do every morning, but the real reason I am doing it is because no one remembers me doing it in the first place. Any time I mention the fact that I used to spike my hair, I have to take out a picture and prove it. So here it is.... unfortunately.. now everyone who didn't know that I used to do it thinks that I am doing it for the first time. Oh well...
The reason this is titled "spike" is because back in freshman year (oh no.. flashback)... my first day of high school (aww...)... I was waiting for the bus with some people I had just met (the Crigger twins).. and finally the bus comes and I get on the bus.. well a girl that knew me from the pool (Megan White) yelled at me when I get on the bus, "Hey spike!.1" So the name stuck. For all of freshman year, basically all of my friends knew me as "spike." Interesting isn't it? I bet you never would have pictured me referred to as "spike." yea....

1 She hadn't seen me since I had spiked my hair because I did it near the end of the summer, which was past the conclusion of swim team for that year.


Everyone is welcome to come to the Super Bowl party that we are having in the multi-purpose room at church. It is a lot of fun... umm... yea.... actually i think only about 2% of the people there last year actually watched football. The rest of the people were at the "anti-football table" playing board games. So if you aren't much of a super bowler, there is still much for you to do. However, don't let the fact that a lot of us don't watch football discourage you from coming if you are a big fan of the coughcough::uninteresting teams playing::coughcough because there is a big screen tv in the room and we still allow watching of the game. Im not sure what time the party starts, but I am sure that you won't be late if you are there by the kickoff.... excellent....


fun (continued)

See exam week enabled me to have time to type in this thing for the first time in a while. Im sure you are happy for it..(all you 3 people who actually still continue reading this). Plus 10 cool points for anyone who posts a comment to this by the end of Weds-Jan-22.


Gotta love exam week.. see exam week is one of the best weeks of the year and at the same time it is one of the worst weeks of the year. Tues-Thurs we get out of school at 1:10 because we only have two exams per day.. so that leaves Friday with only one exam... thus letting us out at 10:30 ... its beast. On the other hand, there my exams have never been this hard in the past. I have never had to study so hard to get good grades on them (not that I did study nor get good grades on them), but never before were my exams so difficult that they required studying in order to receive that "A." Fun...



One point for anyone that catches me drinking soda or eating fast food.

Pop and junk

For all of you that haven't been informed... I have officially stopped drinking soda and stopped eating fast food. My younger brother bet that I couldn't live without these two things. So I decided to prove him wrong and see how long I can go without soda and fast food. Interesting isn't it?