The first time I ever got lost was in a Home Depot when I was really little...... I was walking around with my little brother and one of my parents (can't remember which one it was) told us to stay where we were for one second or something like that. So peter and I are standing around looking at things... and of course we wander off somewhere.... well after about 5 min. of being separated from a parental figure, I started to panic. Peter and I walked around for a little while trying to find our mom or dad... whichever one it was. So finally we both got really upset1 and told a store worker that we were lost. The store worker brought us to this closed room where we heard announced over the speaker, "would the mother/father of peter and paul smith report to the manager's office or whatever it was." Luckily my mom/dad found us or I might not have lived to see this day. Who knows what would have happened if I was a lost boy.......
1. cried