Parallel Universe

A collection of my daily thoughts... most of the time.


what my comments have become...

My comments are not used for making fun of me anymore... no... they are now used as a chat room for my friends to talk to each other at school lol...even people that I don't know are starting to comment here lol... so here are the rules everybody:

1. anyone that has every commented as of this post, is free to comment as the please... any newcomers MUST be approved by me to comment.

2. the first comment that anyone makes under a post MUST have some kind of relevance to what I have typed in the post... otherwise my posts become obsolete.

3. no more pretending to be someone else while talking under the comment system. It will makes things really confusing and annoying.

- Minus cool points for anyone who does not abide by these rules

WARNING anyone on the internet can see what you say under the comments. Keep that in mind.. try to keep certain things to a minimum .... ::cough cough:: streaking ::cough cough::

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