New Questions
You know the deal... each question that you answer correctly gives you an addition of .5 cool points. Answer the questions in the comments for those of you who haven't done it before. I scratch out questions when they are answered correctly.
1. What is the lowest note on a cello?
2. Name the fourth letter of my middle name.
3. How many times (since I began this online journal) have I posted consecutively for 3 days or more?
4. I am at my cousin's house... there is a light above my head that has something painted on it. This figure is of a childish nature and has a red nose. What could this be?
5. What was the main reason that the bell choir did not perform on x-mas eve?
6. What is the name of the part that I got for the musical "The Wizard of Oz" at hermitage high school?
7. Name a word with only one syllable that I would need a dictionary to define (I'm sure there are plenty of them)
8. How many times has Kim Prins visited my site?
9. What dvd did I get for x-mas? (Hint: This movie has a lot of costumes in it and it is a musical)
10. What is my least favorite color?