| routine |
Yea, sorry for not posting recently. I've spent the time at the Y getting my swim groove on. I visited Clemson this past weekend. It was great. It was very nice to finally see someone I knew. Margaret cooked me dinner and then we made some home-made icecream. Yea, I know. It was beast. (Very tasty too!) After that, we went and played some pool at their student center and I headed back here. Let's see.. that was Friday night. Saturday I just chilled around the apartment and cleaned a bit. Saturday night I went to see "Munich." I went alone. Well, didn't have anyone to go with if I wanted to go with someone, but I think it was a good movie to see alone. It took me a while, but I finally decided - it was good. I liked the movie overall, but it really was violent and almost too graphic in some places - and I can usually handle a lot. Maybe the fact that it was 3 hours of this violence that made it seem worse. (Much worse than "Lord of War" if you happened to see that). Sunday I relaxed.
Monday went well at work. I learned basically all of Thermodynamics in 8 hours. My "buddy" apparently used to teach thermo, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer when he was a grad student at Penn State. He gave me his notes to read and learn because my work involves those three subjects. I looked ahead in my schedule at Tech - yea... those courses are junior level and above. :-)
So today and yesterday were spent just reading and learning that material. I have a rough understanding of basic concepts now and I really just need a good textbook to work some problems and firm up what I've read. I know this is incredibly boring, but hey- it's what I do.
I was thinking... they are paying me to do what I would be doing at school - read textbooks. haha.