| classes |
currently playing: Police - Invisible Sun
Brian was on time yesterday, and we went to statics together. He is from highland springs high school in richmond, so we talked about that a little bit. He was very intimidating because of his knowledge of physics and math. Anyways, so he stopped shadowing me after my physics lecture yesterday. I think I'm going to like my classes this semester. I like them so far. My statics class is pretty intimidating because it is something I have never done before. The professor seems sort of unapproachable too. That makes it intimidating. Physics was great. I really, really like my professor (Dr. Chang). He is this really cool chinese guy. He is just really nice and loves to talk. It's hilarious and I think I'm going to get a lot from that course. After that, I had my physics lab. That is going to be great because ALL of my friends are in it. About 8 of us from my hall are in it together, and it just makes the lab a lot of fun. We had a good time haha. Then we all had some lunch and I went to English. My TA for english is ok I guess. He is really young (just got his masters) and he came in singing along with his ipod. That was pretty cool I guess. He seemed pretty excited about the class. It will be a lot of work, but I think it will be a nice break from my extensively physics-based schedule. My english class doesn't seem to be the discussing type, so we will see how well that goes. After that, I had engineering. That was alright I guess. I met this guy Michael, and we are kinda partners for the semester I guess. He was nice. We didn't do much in engineering other than going over the course. The teacher was nice. This is her first semester teaching anything (she is really young too). So we'll see how well that goes. She reminds me of Mrs. feliciani from hermitage. Ha.. like i can spell her name. After that, i went to dinner with everybody. Derek and I went to the Design, Build, Fly meeting like we usually do on Monday evenings. It kinda went on longer than it should have, but I guess it wasn't all that bad. We are test flying the plane on Saturday at the break of dawn? ok... we'll see who shows up. I might make an appearance. We came back and I talked to Amanda Smith for a while. Derek and I watched jon stewart like old times and then he went to bed because of his 8am. I stayed up despite my 8am and talked to jill online for a bit.
I had multivariable first. My teacher was one of those very old guys that thinks he has the right to be mean since he''s old. He is just a jerky old man. He knows his calculus though. I guess that's good. He just had this attitude about him. I did like how he would crack these tiny jokes that no one else laughed at but me. Kinda like mr. Davis in high school physics. It reminded me of that. The class was all review and it was incredibly boring material. Lines, planes, and cylinders in 3-space.. woo... After that, I went to diff eq. and that class was pretty much the same thing. However, my professor this time was a really sweet old guy. He was one of those old men that you feel bad for still having to trek through the 0 degrees weather to teach math. He came in all bundled up and took like 5 minutes to take all of his winter clothes in front of the class. Haha it was really funny/cute. Cute in the old man cute sense though. I don't have the hots for this man, sorry guys. The class was extremely easy. I realized how good of a teacher Mrs. Harlow was in calc 2 because we went through all of this stuff. Hopefully those two classes remain this easy for the remaining of the semester. After diff eq, I went to lunch by myself and ate early. After that, I came back here and did the statics homework that I couldn't figure out last night. I don't know what I was thinking. I must have been tired or something to not be able to figure it out last night. Oh well, I got the answer now. I am about to go to my first design meeting for the "supersonic, transcontinental, luxury airliner." I am excited. I just hope all of these seniors aren't like, "hey, the freshman bitch! Do this busy work." We'll see how it goes. I also hope that I'm not completely lost with what they talk about every meeting. Alright, time to get ready to walk across the deathly cold campus. Oh, by the way- it was 7 degrees this morning with a wind chill of -4 degrees when I walked across campus. This guy looked it up on his laptop when we got to class. Good grief... it's cold. And apparently it's supposed to snow 10 inches sometime soon? Snowball fight!!!... then freezing for weeks. Good day, everyone.