Parallel Universe

A collection of my daily thoughts... most of the time.



I am not too fond of it all. I had to read Hamlet for summer reading and I am trying to do all the work for it now. I have done two of my three essays on the play so far. The third essay just pisses me off.

Essay 3: Respond (1-2 pages) to the following critical comment by English author and critic Samuel Taylor Coleridge with quotations and evidence from the play:

Shakespeare wished to impress upon us the truth that action is the chief end of existence - that no faculties of intellect, however brilliant, can be considered valuable, or indeed otherwise than as misfortunes, if they withdraw us from or render us repugnant to action, and lead us to think and think of doing, until the time has elapsed when we can do anything effectually. In enforcing this moral truth, Shakespeare has shown the fullness and force of his powers: all that is amiable and excellent in nature is combined in Hamlet, with the exception of one quality. He is a man living in meditation, called upon to act by every motive human and divine, but the great object of his life is defeated by continually resolving to do, yet doing nothing but resolve.

This critique of the play just pisses me off. It has so many run-on sentences that it hurts my head to read. I really enjoyed Hamlet more than I expected because I think that Shakespeare is overrated, but this just makes me hate it.

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